
google result

hari ini pulang pagi krn ini hari terakhir sekolah! yeyeye...

karena kurang gawean, aku iseng nyari nama arina sabila haq di google, n i found a result from this web. http://thesparklingsky.wordpress.com/2010/03/23/15/
it describes myself, n my friends when i was at junior high school...

especially buat kartika nugrahening jati, yang mbuat postingannya, makasii~
meski aku telat mbuka postingan itu, tapi tak apalah, tak lekang oleh waktu~*kerispatih mode*

1 comment:

  1. hoa... this is your blog :)
    I moved my blog to hitoriatotori.blogspot.com, and you still can find that article there :)



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